Economic Development
Choose East Multnomah County
East Multnomah County is comprised of the four cities of Fairview, Gresham, Troutdale, Wood Village as well as outlying rural areas. The East Multnomah County area possesses many unique characteristics making it an excellent choice to locate or expand your business. East Multnomah County businesses draw on a regional talent pool of 1.2 million workers in the Portland Metro area. The area offers developers a diverse range of sites and buildings. Being situated an easy distance from highway, rail, shipping and air transport gives East Multnomah County companies a leading edge when it comes to accessing today’s global marketplace.
Businesses Call Gresham Home
Gresham Oregon is the fourth largest city within the State. This dynamic and vibrant community attracts business owners due to the City's commitment to empowering growth by providing accurate information with a sense of urgency and support. Coupled with a healthy and well planned infrastructure businesses continue to move and start their businesses in Gresham. As of October 2023, the City of Gresham has over 3,000 registered businesses within the city employing over 26,000 people.
3,300+ Commercial Businesses
39 Food Carts
1,283 Home-based Businesses
277 Independent Contractors
The City of Gresham offers a variety of incentives to encourage job creation and new investment by traded sector companies. From streamlined and responsive support for relocating or expanding companies, to property tax abatement programs and lightning fast land use review and approval, the Economic Development team stands ready to support traded sector business success in Gresham.
Regional Demographics
East Multnomah County has experienced rapid growth from a rural, farming region to a burgeoning urban area that provides a high quality of life for its residents and business community. Click here to see demographics on Multnomah County as well as the individual cities.
Certificate of Origin
As a service to the business community, the Chamber offers the seal for Certificate of Origin documents to companies shipping goods outside of the United States. Click here for more information on this program.
Education of Workforce
East Multnomah County’s workforce is ready to work and is trained in complex manufacturing processes. Workforce development partners are at the table from the start to help identify training resources and to keep employees on top of changing technologies and business practices.
Mt. Hood Community College offers customized training for employees. Watch the video below to learn more about the program.

Wood Village Urban Renewal Board: Helping to Create a Vibrant City
Residents of Wood Village have great reason to be excited about the future of their city. The Wood Village Urban Renewal District, created in February 2010, is providing a foundation for growth and development that will benefit all inhabitants of the city.
The Urban Renewal Board is comprised of members from the City Council and 3 representatives of the Wood Village community. Their important mission is to observe the progress of the Urban Renewal Plan as it moves forward in Wood Village. The Board meets on an as-needed basis, and each member plays a significant role in making sure that the plan’s goals are carried out efficiently and effectively.
The City of Wood Village is dedicated to providing its residents with the best possible amenities and services. Residents can be sure that they are in good hands as the Urban Renewal Board works to create a vibrant, beautiful city for us all. With continued investments in infrastructure systems and incentives for private investment, Wood Village is well on its way to becoming a thriving community.